Warning! needs beta testing

Dardrive is a command line backup tool which keeps track of backup jobs and automates backup rotation.

It uses the Disc ARchive program to store backups and has many features such as differential backup via catalogued data, par2 integration, per job configuration, backup rotation, email reporting, and mysql integration among other things.

The idea behind dardrive is to store catalogs in fast media while storing the backup content in large and slow cloud storage (it was written with s3ql in mind). Creating differential backups against the cataloged data saves network traffic and IOPs.

Dardrive uses a full+incremental backup scheme which saves the last full backup from previous months as “historic” backups, you’ll end up with a (time) configurable amount of incremental archives between full backups, plus “monthly” and “yearly” historic backups.

For the impatient

user@box:~/> sudo pip install dardrive
user@box:~/> dardrive init
Config file written.
Settings file written.

user@box:~/> dardrive addjob docs -R /home/user/Documents/stuff \
    -A /mnt/dardrive/archive -C /mnt/dardrive/catalogs
Job added
user@box:~/> dardrive modjob -j docs -O 'compr=lzo'
Job modified

user@box:~/> dardrive backup -j docs
Running backup job: docs..
Dar status:             Operation successful.
Time took:              0:01:34
Job name:               docs
Catlog id:              563d78a42184429a829cbde74d4f22cb
Status Code:            0
